Right-angled arrow shape with adjustable thickness and open or closed end. 直角箭头形状,可调粗细以及端的开放或封闭状态。
With horn-type fixtures, the welding should be toward the closed end. 用牛角形的工装,焊接应向在尾部。
Research on Closed End Fund Innovation Model Selection of Large Current Enclosed Bus-bar for Nuclear Power Unit 创新型封闭式基金相关条款价值研究核电机组大电流离相封闭母线的选型
A high-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a slender tube closed at one end with keys and finger holes on the side and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown. 由一根一端封闭的纤细管子组成的高音木管乐器,侧边有按键和指孔,靠近封闭端有一个使气流进入的开口。
"Materials may be carved, modeled, molded, cast, wrought, welded, sewn, or assembled and combined." With horn-type fixtures, the welding should be toward the closed end. 可利用雕刻、仿型、模塑、铸造、锻冶、焊接、缝合、组装或其它方法成形拼合质材。用牛角形的工装,焊接应向在尾部。
The storage part is used to house ice products and is provided with a closed end and an opposing open end. 该储存部可供填装冰品,并具有相反的一封闭端与一开放端。
The prospectus for the new closed end fund will be published this week. 这只新封闭式基金的招募说明书于上周公布。
A detachable plate that covers the closed end of a cylinder chamber in a reciprocating engine or pump. 覆盖在往复式发电机引擎的汽缸内腔的封闭一端的可分离的盘状物体。
By choosing a closed end structure, fidelity is presumably guarding against such an outcome. 富达选择封闭式结构,大概正是为了防范这样的结果。
Put it into the vagina, the closed end cover in the cervix. 将它放入阴道,封闭端覆盖在宫颈上。
You have closed end funds, trade as a security listed on the stock exchange, but what they do is own other securities. 假如你持有封闭式基金,这种基金在证券交易所作为一种债券进行交易,但是实际上它们做的是持有其他债券。
Closed-end funds discounts are negatively correlation with average return of stock market. 我国基金折价与证券市场的平均报酬负相关。
After establishing a steady flow in the rock core, the pump was stopped, the pressure decrease at the closed end of the rock core was recorded. 岩心中形成稳定渗流后,关闭驱替泵,测量岩心封闭端的压力衰减曲线。
A Style Analysis of Chinese Closed-end Funds 我国封闭式基金投资风格实证分析
Results of the procedure indicated that in the process of gaseous vented deflagration, compared to closed end and vent ignited, the maximal pressure of vented deflagration is the highest, and left and right flame plane had different flame propagation velocity. 对于柱形容器内可燃气体爆燃泄放过程,经本文设计程序计算结果表明,相比于密闭端和泄放口端点火,中心点火时的爆燃泄放升压最高,并且左右火焰面的火焰传播速度不同;
Comment on Study of Closed-End Fund Discount Puzzle 封闭型基金折价之谜研究述评
The Economies of Scale for China's Closed-end Funds: A Panel Data Analysis 我国封闭式基金规模经济问题的综列数据分析
A closed end was formed with one of the components in the center of the spiral, and away from the spiral center the stripes bent along the tangent of the spiral. 在螺旋中心某一组分形成闭合端,而其它区域条状相沿螺旋切线方向平行排列。
In terms of the various theories of closed end fund discount, we analyses our country's closed end funds. 本文通过对西方封闭式基金折价理论的研究,分析了我国封闭式基金折价的原因。
Discussion about the air column length in closed end of the inverted U-tube 对U型管倒置过程中封闭气柱长度的论述
Combination stamping process for squirrelcage unclosed and closed end face covering and design of reverse-drawing die 鼠笼端面透盖和闷盖组合冲压工艺及反拉深模设计
Regarding the closed end funds, their average monthly returns reach the maximum and the minimum respectively in March and August. 封闭式基金在3月和8月的月收益率分别达到了年内各月的较大、较小水平。
Every position from the closed end to the open end along the axis should avoid the non-linear section of the relation curve between pressure drop and flux, in order to decrease the flowing loss. 烛状陶瓷过滤元件沿轴向从封闭端到开口端的各个部位,都应尽量避免压降与流量关系曲线的非线性区,以减小流动损失。
Statistical Analysis on the Closed-end Fund Discount 封闭式基金折价问题的统计分析
Impulse was calculated by integrating the pressure at the closed end of the tube. 采用对爆震管封闭端燃气压力积分的方法计算发动机冲量。
The shares of our country's closed end funds sell at discounts. 我国封闭式基金当前的市场价格存在着折价。
Oil tankers through the structure with closed end up with a reasonable efficiency efficient skimmer structure model. 再通过与收油船结构的合理搭配最终得到效率高效的收油机结构模型。
Acoustics Principle Analysis, Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation on an Acoustic Pressure Amplifier Based on acoustics principle, for an ideal one quarter wavelength acoustic pressure amplifier with one end open and the other closed, a much bigger pressure ratio could be obtained at the closed end. 声压放大器的声学原理分析及数值模拟和实验研究从声学原理出发,分析得出对于一根长四分之一波长的理想声压放大器,可以在其封闭端得到一个明显高于开口端的压比。
We conclude which is possibly due to the following reasons: calibration process, model accuracy, closed end fund discount and market inefficiency. 我们发现,两者得出的结果和实际市场价格有着些许差距,这也许是由以下这些原因造成的:校准参数的过程,模型的准确性,封闭式基金折价以及市场的不有效性。
There are lots of worldwide researches on the price discount problems of closed end fund and several solutions suggested, some of those solutions have been proven on overseas markets. 国内外学者对于世界范围内的封闭式基金折价问题进行了深入的研究并提出了一些解决方案,在国外市场得到有效印证。